Awakening Through Love

Awakening Through Love

Court Results & Exotic Destination

In court last week, J decided to plead "no contest" to the physical control and the Judge gave him the minimum sentence, $50 fine and court costs. This week's two court cases also went well - the attorney was able to persuade them to not issue warrants and push the cases back on the docket so that J can be admitted to the rehab. He probably has about another month to go before a bed opens up - so he'll wait in jail.

I booked a trip to Thailand, Laos and Vietnam leaving December 8th and returning December 24th. My husband knows I've been stressed (mostly J's situation, my mother, searching for new career/job etc.) and supported my decision. When J called me today, I told him about it and he was also excited for me - he told me to be careful (he's a sweetie)! This is my passion and I'm going for it!

The new roommate decided to move in!! She'll be moving in a few days before I leave.


J is safe and sober
Different cultures & opportunity to travel


The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

Oh that is all fantastic news! Wow, the trip sounds awesome and it is so beautiful there (I have a friend that went and have seen only the pictures). Good for you, getting up and going, taking care of you. Thanks for being an inspiration and consistently giving me support on my blog, it means a lot.

ChaiLatte said...

How awesome is that?! Love that you booked a trip for yourself- what a treat! Can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully you'll share some photos too. The court results sound good too- more sober time- can never ask for enough of that for our kids. Happy for you on both fronts! Hugs.

Heather's Mom said...

I just read each of your postings from the beginning. You have been through a lot this year - a trip sounds well deserved!!! :) J said for you to be safe, and at least you will know that he is safe while you are gone and soon on his way to rehab. He sounds like a very loving son, and a very loved son :)
That's great news on the roommate too!

Anonymous :) said...

Sometimes distance is just what you need to get some perspective. Have some fun. Find some peace.

Bar L. said...

I left you a blog award :)

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