Awakening Through Love

Awakening Through Love

"Life is Good" Award

Shen from ReunitedSelves honored me with
the "Life is Good" award.  Thanks Shen!!  The following are my answers to the
questions associated with acceptance of the award:

1. What would your perfect day consist of?

Being outdoors with the sun shining...a backrub...a yummy picnic lunch...a hike through the woods...a nap... saying, hearing and meaning the words "I Love You"...hearing the birds singing and later...some music!

2. How would you describe yourself if you were an item of clothing?

A light-weight, wrinkle resistant, colorful, wrap dress that could be worn during the day as a casual outfit or dressed up in the evening with high heels and appropriate accessories!

3. What hobbies are you currently working on?

My blog, hot yoga, travel planning, and reading!

4. Walking in the woods in wellies or bare foot on the beach?

Walking in the woods in wellies!

5. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree?

I have hugged a tree!

6. Growing your own veggies or nipping to the supermarket?

I've never grown my own veggies - but I do buy some organic!

7. Have you found anyone exciting in your family tree?

I think my grandfather was pretty exciting!

8. Slap up meal in a posh restaurant or fish 'n' chips from the wrapper?

I like both - but I'd have to pick "posh restaurant" since usually it's the latter!

9. Which element do you most resonate with, Earth, Air, Fire or water?

"Fire"!  I'm usually the firestarter and tender of it...and jump over campfires for everyone's entertainment!

10. Do you believe in fairies?

If fairies are "Angels", then Yes!

Thanks again, Shen!

It's a really hard choice, but I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers:

Renee at renee-mentalimages

Heather's Mom at heathersmom1

Barbara at parentofheroinaddict

Her Big Sad at herbigsad

Anna at letgohangon

Annette at journeyofrecoverysearchforserenity

Jennifer at onetrueself

If you have time, post it as I have and answer the questions!!


Kathy M. said...

Congratulations on this award! I enjoyed reading your list. I also enjoyed your comments on my blog. Thank you for stopping by.

Annette said...

Thank you Sherry. I will get to work on this...

Heather's Mom said...

Thanks Sherry :) Just posted my award and answers :)
God bless.

Bar L. said...

Thank you so much! I will post mine this weekend, sounds like a fun diversion :)

Jennifer said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I think your blog is Perfect for this award - I do always feel Life is Good when I read your adventures and even your struggles. It feels like a peaceful place. Life is Good here!

I am honored by your passing this on to me. What a special treat to receive returning from a vacation! WOW! Thank you Sherry.


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