Awakening Through Love

Awakening Through Love

Back in Jail - Blindsided

We went to Court yesterday and it was strange to be the only case being heard before the Judge. The Judge agreed to have J interviewed by TASC to determine whether he is eligible for Treatment in Lieu of Conviction. That is set up for tomorrow. We then went to my brother's house for my nephew's birthday party. J brought his "Beatles Guitar Hero" and we all had a good time with that.

Today we went to Court for 2 other charges in a different county and this Judge sentenced J to 30 days in jail for the "Reckless Op" charge and suspension of license for 1 year. He felt that J was not taking things seriously enough because of all of the events since March. The attorney explained that he recently was left in jail for 30 days and not bailed out and that he is NOW taking things seriously, but I guess a little too late.

The attorney was very surprised and it was sad to watch them handcuff J in his dress clothes and take him away!

J has been doing well - but - as I think about what the Judge said, I agree because even now he has not been wanting to go to the mandatory AA/NA meetings (he says they don't help him. This morning we had time to go to his twice weekly pre-rehab meeting before Court, but when I woke him up he said he didn't want to go and would just call them and tell them that he had Court today.

This may have been a blessing in disguise - who knows - he may have relapsed or worse before being sentenced to rehab!

Today I'm thankful for:

1. My son is safe and sober.
2. My husband's support (he's stopping to pick up something for dinner).
3. A feeling of acceptance and peace!

I have been reading everyone's posts - just haven't taken time to comment yet - but I read every word!

God Bless Everyone!


Anonymous :) said...

Your son is safe and sober. That's such a good thing. Lots to be thankful for there.

Lisa said...

I think that your son is safe and you can sleep at night, knowing that when you hear a siren, it is not about him.

As I read your post and thought about the small choices your son was making...not going to meetings, etc., it sounds like complacency, which is a recovery killer.

My son said something very profound to me this evening. He said, "addicts would line up to take a syringe full of recovery daily, if we could get it that way. It would be so easy." Recovery is so very very hard...much harder than being an addict.

I agree with Madison, there is a lot to be thankful for surrounding your son right now. Don't forget to take care of you.

Annette said...

I use to think jail would be the worst thing that I could imagine for my daughter... funny how things change.

I agree with Madison.

The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

I also felt grateful when my son was in jail for being safe and sober. My son also doesn't want to comply with all the probation requirements. I just keep telling myself it is his program to work, not mine. We are fortunate to have people like Madison and Annette who always have great words of wisdom and strength. God Bless.

Unknown said...


My heart goes out to you. It is an incredibly painful place to be, watching your son use drugs and basically live in self-destruction mode. My husband and I know, because we had two of our sons go that route.

Our oldest son is now married with three children. He went the hard way to get there, but he's doing better now, though he took a lot of baggage into his future. Some folks do it the hard way.

Our second son did go to rehab, at Teen Challenge, and he has been sober for over three years now. He got saved four months into the program, and he works for TC on the weekends now. He is in college and surrounded by a healthy support network.

So there is hope. Never give up. We will keep you and your son in our prayers.


Sherry said...

I really appreciate all of you giving me support and encouragement. It helps! Thank You!!

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