Although J is in jail, I imagine that he is in the military at boot camp! It is a way for me to feel better about his situation. I think that we fear the unknown and since I am familiar with boot camp, it helps.

J and I spoke the other day and he said that he volunteered to work in the kitchen 6 hours a day. He said it is making the time go by more quickly and mainly that he gets to eat more. His first day he had 2 pb/j sandwiches and 2 chicken patty sandwiches. Remember, he's 6'9" tall and slender, so he needs to!!
I was supposed to go visit him yesterday, but I ended up not going. I was thinking the football game was on at 1pm and he has joked in the past that when I visit it cuts into the first part of the game. Actually, the game started at 4pm. Since I can't call him I hope he wasn't disappointed. Part of me really didn't want to go, because we talk on the phone a couple of times a week, so we usually run out of things to talk about.

I am 84 hours smoke free...yeah!!
My son is safe and sober
google - "you can find anything"
treadmill - easier on the knees and warmer
quiet home (except I have tinnitus so I always have ringing in my ears)
84 hours! Big accomplishment.
Sherry, You poor thing...I have tinnitus too and its so loud right now I want to scream. Do you have it in both ears? Is it constantly one pitch and volume or does it change?
I know what you mean about running out of things to say during visits. Been there done that, every time! (with K but never with A). Please check out my blog for an update on why its going offline :(
Congrats on 84 hours and is your son really SIX NINE???????????
Wow Sherry, 84 hours and counting! When I quit, everytime I might have an urge, I would tell myself that I am losing 84 hours (or however long) and have to start back from scratch. I know what you mean about visiting in quiet, it can become awkward. I LOVE GOOGLE!!!
84 hours is awesome! Congratulations!
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